Black Velvet Chinchilla
Black Velvets are a gray chinchilla with the ToV or Touch of Velvet gene.
Sometimes they are born with a little black around the nose and sometimes they have a full veil. The veiling may take up to 2 years to fully develop.
The TOV gene adds a black veil and in some cases a different texture to the fur.
Bellies and the underside of the jaw should be pure white and there
should be no break in the veil from nose to tail. A break in the veil at the neck is called a halo.

2022 - Comparison of a champion caliber black velvet versus a first place (or lesser) black velvet.
2021 - Really pretty 5 month old Black Velvet female with just a spectacular bright white belly.

2020 - Nice young 3 month old Black Velvet male. Very clear fur with a good black/gray/white split to his coloration. The white belly should really pop out on a nice velvet.

2016 - Lovely 5 month old Black Velvet sapphire carrier female.
2008 - Grand Show Champion Black Velvet male bred by Ronda Frazier.
2008 - Here you can see just how well veiled a black should be with a nice white belly, and how dark they look from above.